Leanne Bisset - Lateral Elbow Tendinopathy in Athletes
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Academic Lead Physiotherapy, Griffith University
Leanna Bisset is a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist as awarded by the Australian College of Physiotherapists, an APA Titled Musculoskeletal Therapist, Associated Professor and Academic Lead in Physiotherapy at Griffith University, PhD recipient and has completed extensive research in exploring the mechanisms, clinical profiles and treatment approaches for lateral elbow tendinopathies.
Dr Leanne Bisset presents a detailed masterclass on athletic elbow injuries including; presentations of acute and atraumatic instabilities, elbow tendinopathies and nerve entrapments, assessment of the elbow, and a detailed description of passive modalities and exercise prescription for lateral elbow. This masterclass combines a detailed description of anatomy, discussion of the evidence-base for treatments, practical knowledge and discusses specific presentations in elite sports such as tennis, baseball, rowing and kayaking.
Key Learning Objectives:
- Understand complications of traumatic injuries to the elbow
- Explain management of traumatic elbow injuries
- Understand the consequences of medial elbow instability
- Understand the anatomy and biomechanics of the extensor muscles of the wrist
- Demonstrate the components of assessment of the elbow
- Understand the surface anatomy of the elbow
- Understand exercise prescription principles for lateral elbow tendinopathy
Masterclass Outline
Lateral elbow tendinopathy in athletes
Leanne Bisset
Leanne Bisset is a musculoskeletal physiotherapist (APA titled) and a full-time academic (Associate Professor) at Griffith University, Australia. She has worked in the public and private health care sectors throughout Australia and overseas for >25 years. Dr Bisset teaches into the Physiotherapy programs at Griffith University, as well as maintaining a part-time clinical practice load at Allsports Physiotherapy & Sports Medicine Clinic.
Dr Bisset completed her PhD from The University of Queensland in 2008. Her fields of research expertise include musculoskeletal physiotherapy, evidence based practice and the management of non-traumatic upper limb disorders. In particular, her research has focused on mechanisms, clinical profile, and treatment efficacy for elbow tendinopathy. Dr Bisset is supervising PhD students and is interested in connecting with people who are interested in enrolling in a higher degree in research.