
Difficult Foot & Ankle (Virtual Access)


This is Virtual Access for the Difficult foot & Ankle Conference held in Melbourne, Australia

Course Instructors

Jill Cook
Professor, Sports Physiotherapist, Expert Tendon Researcher & Clinician
Jill Cook is a professor in musculoskeletal health in the La Trobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre at La Trobe University in Melbourne Australia. Jill's research areas include sports medicine and tendon injury. After completing her PhD in 2000, she has investigated tendon pathology, treatment options and risk factors for tendon injury. Jill currently supplements her research by conducting a specialist tendon practice and by lecturing and presenting workshops both in Australia and overseas.
Sue Mayes
Principal physiotherapist & medical team manager at The Australian Ballet and Associate Professor at La Trobe University (PhD)
Sue Mayes is Australian Ballet’s Director of Artistic Health and has been their Principal Physiotherapist since 1997. Sue also consults for national and international professional sports. Sue is also Associate Professor at La Trobe University (PhD) and received their Distinguished Alumni Award in 2018. She has published on ballet-related topics and is currently researching foot joint health, and cognitive fatigue through the partnership between Australian Ballet and La Trobe University. Sue has been invited to speak at international conferences and lectures throughout Australia and Europe. Sue was awarded an Order of Australia in 2020.
Stuart Imer
Foot & Ankle Physiotherapist
Stuart is one of Australia’s foremost physiotherapists in the treatment of Disorders of the Foot and Ankle. Stuart has a Bachelor of Physiotherapy and a Post Graduate Diploma in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, and a long working association with Foot and Ankle orthopaedic surgeons. He has worked in Foot and Ankle surgical clinics for 22 years, alongside some of Australia’s leading orthopaedic surgeons. He has a wealth of experience in post-surgical rehabilitation of foot and ankle disorders and aims to be the recognized leading physiotherapist in Australia, for these treatments. Stuart has an ongoing commitment to developing new treatment philosophies and protocols, and to communicating this body of knowledge to associated professions. Stuart was the Team Physiotherapist to the Australian Cross Country Ski Team for 15 years and has a keen personal interest in all snow sports. These elite endurance athletes have a high tendency for overuse injuries of the lower limb.
Geoff Tymms
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Geoff Tymms is a Melbourne orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeon. He completed his medical training at the University of Melbourne in 1995 and then underwent orthopaedic surgery training in Melbourne and obtained his Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. Geoff has worked as a consultant surgeon in a number of Melbourne’s hospitals. He obtained further foot and ankle surgery experience during visits and training in the United States and Europe, and now practices solely in foot and ankle surgery.
Ben Raysmith
Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist
Head of Medical Services - Fremantle Dockers. Sports & Exercise Physio WAIS & Athletics Australia. PhD candidate. - Tilted Sports and exercise Physiotherapist- Athletic Australia 2018- Present - Sports Physiotherapist AIS 2010-2018 - Physiotherapist Rugby WA 2010-2011 - Physiotherapist East Fremantle FC (WAFL) 2000-2010




  • Difficult Foot & Ankle - DAY 1
    • JILL COOK - Recalcitrant Tendinopathy
    • SUE MAYES - Optimising Foot Function
    • JILL COOK - Achilles Tendinopathy Case Study (Assessment)
    • SUE MAYES - Posterior Ankle Impingement workshop 
    • BEN RAYSMITH - Medial Tibial stress Syndrome
    • BEN RAYSMITH - Training Foot & Ankle Stiffness 
    • JILL COOK - Achilles Tendon Rehabilitation Case
    • SUE MAYES - Foot Intrinsic Training and Managing First Ray related injuries
    • STUART IMER - Subtle Medial Ankle Instability
    • STUART IMER - 5th metatarsal Injuries
  • Difficult Foot & Ankle - DAY 2
    • GEOFF TYMMS - The Challenges of Mid Foot Pain
    • SIMON BARTOLD - The Impact of Super Shoes on Performance… and Injury
    • SIMON BARTOLD - Myths & Controversies of the Foot & Ankle
    • STUART IMER - Lis Franc Injuries
    • STUART IMER - Lis Franc & 5th metatarsal Injuries
    • SIMON BARTOLD - What is/ is not relevant in the shoe selection process
    • SIMON BARTOLD - The recalcitrant plantar fasicopathy patient
    • STUART IMER - 5th metatarsal and Lis Franc Injuries